Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) are buildings that are characterised by their very low energy consumption. Their aim is to reduce environmental impact and combat climate change, as well as generating significant financial savings on the energy bills of their occupants. A building is considered nZEB when its energy consumption is very close to zero, i.e. when the energy used in its operation comes mainly from renewable or recovery sources. In this type of building, energy-efficient techniques are used, such as the use of insulating materials, the installation of mechanical ventilation systems, the use of solar energy and the use of heat recovery technologies.  

What are nZEB buildings?

  These buildings are characterised by the use of a wide variety of techniques and technologies to reduce their energy consumption. The main measures used in this type of building include:

  • The use of insulating materials and design optimisation to reduce energy demand.
  • The installation of mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery to ensure optimum air quality.
  • The incorporation of solar energy technologies, such as photovoltaic or thermal solar panels.
  • The use of energy-efficient LED lighting systems.
  • The installation of energy-efficient air-conditioning systems, such as heat pumps.
  • The use of energy management systems and the control of lighting, air-conditioning and ventilation systems.


How do nZEB buildings differ from other building types?

  The main difference between nZEB buildings and other building types lies in their low energy consumption.

Unlike conventional buildings, which consume large amounts of energy to operate, Nearly Zero Energy Buildings seek to minimise their energy consumption by employing energy-efficient technologies and techniques.

  Another important difference is that nZEB buildings often use renewable or recovery energy sources for their operation, such as solar energy or heat recovery. This makes them much more environmentally friendly buildings and more sustainable in the long term.  

Why invest in nZEB buildings?


  1. Energy bill savings: nZEB buildings often generate significant financial savings on the energy bills of their occupants, thanks to their low energy consumption and the use of renewable energy sources.
  2. Reduced CO2 emissions: nZEB buildings contribute to the fight against climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy consumption.
  3. Increased occupant comfort: nZEB buildings are usually equipped with high quality air conditioning and ventilation systems, ensuring a comfortable and healthy indoor environment for occupants.
  4. Added value for the property: nZEB buildings are a long-term investment, as their high energy efficiency and environmental friendliness are positively valued by building buyers and users.
  5. Compliance with regulations: Regulations requiring new or refurbished buildings to meet certain energy efficiency standards are becoming increasingly common. Investing in an nZEB building ensures compliance with these regulations and avoids possible penalties or fines.
  6. Contribution to sustainable development: investing in nZEB buildings is a way to contribute to sustainable development by reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.


How is the construction of nearly zero-energy buildings being promoted?


The construction of nearly zero energy buildings is being promoted by various initiatives at international and national level.

In Europe, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) states that all new buildings must be nZEB from 2021. In addition, some countries have established specific regulations to promote the construction of nZEB buildings, as is the case in Spain with the Technical Building Code (CTE).   On the other hand, there are incentive and financial aid programmes for the construction of nearly zero-energy buildings, such as the European Union’s LIFE programme, which finances energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.  

In conclusion, the construction of nZEB buildings is a growing trend, driven by the need to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Investing in nZEB buildings can generate significant long-term economic savings, as well as contribute to sustainable development and improve the quality of life of their occupants.